- Jorge Munilla
- Cristina Urdiales
The UMA team are experts in developing smart cities through their involvement in setting up the Smart City of Malaga project. They are also experts in IT Security and Telecoms and computer networks and hence will lead WP.3 and WP.4. They will also contribute to other work packages; disseminating the project and its outcomes and aiding quality delivery of its objects. The team’s expertise will contribute to the needs (related to Smart cities, IT Security and Telecommunications and Computer Networks) assessment phase of eSCO and later discuss strategies related to Smart Cities in Palestine. UMA will host study tour for PS partners to explore the smart city of Malaga project and provide resource and knowledge to help them answer their country needs. UMA is Lead for WP3 and WP4 to develop IT Security and Telecommunications and Computer Networks material and control the quality of each WP acitivites. UMA team will help develop relevant courses and tutorials, follow up the development process, evaluate the material, and provide recommendations for PS partners. UMA will co-supervise students based on their field of speciality, and provide successful models related to joint projects, students’ projects incubation, and internships at industry activities.