- Safaa Aldwaik
- Farah Kasbari
RM is a public body will link to varied industries in Palestine and participate in the needs (IT Security, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Smart Grid) assessment phase. RM will help the project team determine the needs of Palestine and ways to build academia enterprise partnership toward establishing and supporting the operations of Smart Cities. Ramallah Municipality started the development of Ramallah City to be a Smart City, its experience will add a significant value especially through the challenges it faced and would instigate ways for effective deployment of the Smart City concept to be shared with other cities in Palestine. Will participate in study tours to explore projects and facilities to help adapt EU practices to PS context. Facilitate academia industry joint projects, students’ projects incubation, internships at industry, and FFF program, and to negotiate provision of seed funds from private sector for projects. Participate in e-Academy establishment and the round table meetings.