- Chiara Boccaletti
UniRoma (Department of Astronautics, Electrical and Energetic Engineering) is WP5 leader - Development of Smart Grid Material. The team has a strong involvement in WP 6 (Delivery of Material for a Life Long Learning) and WP8 (Provoke Academia-Industry Cooperation), and is obviously also a key partner in all the activities of planning, dissemination, quality assurance and needs assessment related to smart grid to determine the needs of PS and ways to build academia enterprise partnership toward establishing and supporting the operations of Smart Cities. In later phases the team will discuss strategies related to Smart Cities and Smart Grid in PS. As to the specific teaching topic of Smart Grids, the team has been engaged for many years in research activities (funded by the EC) and teaching focused on this subject, therefore they can certainly give a valuable contribution to the success of the present project. Will develop Smart Grid material and control its quality, evaluate the developed material, and provide recommendations for PS partners and host a Smart Grid study tour, provide resource and knowledge to PS partners to help them answer their country needs.