Palestinian professors and staff from Palestinian institutions visited the University of Malaga (UMA) and other industries in Malaga. These visits were organized after the kick-off meeting held on the 2nd of April (UMA Campus), and the Needs Assessment workshop held on the 3rd of April (UMA Campus).
The visits were carefully planned to help achieving the goals of the project during the visit, professors and industry representatives from the Palestinian partners were invited to meet with relevant actors in all three dimensions related to Smart Cities and, more specifically, the areas covered in this project, including:
- Green Ray and project Link By UMA-Atech, Smart Campus and Office of Technology Transfer from University of Málaga (Academia)
- Telefonica’s Innovation Center SmartCity, Andalucia Smart City Cluster and Andalusia Technological Park (Industry)
- Experimental Urban Laboratory and Zero Emissions Mobility To All (ZEM2All) Electric Vehicle Control and Demonstration Center (City Council).
These visits took place between 4th and 6th of April 2019
بهدف نقل المعرفة، قام الأساتذة الفلسطينيون وبتنظيم من جامعة ملجا بزيارة مرافق ومختبرات الجامعة المختلفة والمتعلقة بأمن المعلومات وخدمات المدن الذكية، وكذلك زيارة شركات بالمدينة تساهم في خدمات المدن الذكية وأمن المعلومات. إضافة إلى زيارة لمراكز تابعة للبلدية ومراكز الريادة والإبداع والالتقاء بالخبراء هناك في مجال دعم خدمات المدن الذكية وفي مجال أمن المعلومات. استمرت الزيارة لمدة ثلاثة أيام ما بين الرابع والسادس من شهر نيسان 2018 .